Daniel Benedikovic

associate professor


Daniel holds an Associate Professor position at Dept. Multimedia and Information-Communication Technologies, University of Zilina, Slovakia. He received MSc. in Telecommunication and Radiocommunication Engineering in 2011 and PhD. in Telecommunications in 2015, both from University of Zilina, Slovakia. He conducted several research and educational internships funded by european and national travel agencies, including 7 months at Aalto University, Finland, 2 months in R&F photonics group at University of Malaga, Spain, and 6 months with National Research Council Canada, Canada. As a post-doc researcher, he spent 5 years with Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, CNRS, Universite Paris-Saclay, France. He is a member of the IEEE Photonics Society, Czech-Slovak Optical Society, European Optical Society, and SPIE

Research areas: 

Integrated photonics, optical communications and sensing, optical phased arrays, subwavelength grating metamaterial devices and components

Teaching courses: 

Optical communications: technologies, systems, and networks, Physics in optical communications, Integrated optoelectronics, Physics in optical communications: elaborate plans, Integrated optoelectronics: elaborate plans

Scopus Author ID:
Web of Science Researcher ID:



e-mail: daniel.benedikovic@uniza.sk

phone: +421 41 513 2227