Milan Dado



Milan is a Full Professor with the Department of Multimedia and Information-Communication Technology at University of Zilina. He was actively involved in many European research and education programs such as TEMPUS, COST, LEONARDO, Socrates, 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Program, H2020, European University Association projects. He also managed several national projects on optical communication systems, information and communication technologies, intelligent transportation systems, regional innovation strategies and e-learning. He was coordinator of ERA CHAIR project in Intelligent Transport Systems at the University of Zilina and participated in consortium of Sensible H2020 project. He conducted couple of international visits, including 2-months at the York University, Northern Telecom and Bell Canada (Canada),  6 months at the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), and  6 months at the Vienna University of Technology (Austria).

Research areas: 

Optical communication systems, information and communication technologies, intelligent transportation systems

Teaching courses: 

Optical communication systems, signals and systems

Scopus Author ID:
Web of Science Researcher ID:




phone: +421 41 513 2212