Roman Jarina

associate professor


Roman has been with the University of Žilina since 1991, currently as an Associate Professor at the Department of Multimedia and Information-Communication Technology. In 2000, he received PhD. from the same university in the area of on automatic speech recognition using artificial neural networks. During sabbatical leaves, he has been a visiting researcher at the Engineering College of Copenhagen, Denmark (1994-1995) and Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain (1997). From 2000 to 2002, he was a research fellow with the Centre for Digital Video Processing at Dublin City University, Ireland. Recently, is a head a head of the research laboratory on audio and digital signal processing, and over the years he supervised more than 10 PhD. students. He was involved in several R&D projects as principal investigator / member, including international (FP-5 “A-VISAGE”, FP-6 MC ERG “Semantica”) and national (APVV, VEGA, KEGA) projects. He has also been serving as the Slovak representative in three EU COST action projects (COST 292, IC1003, IC1106) and a Scientific Advisory Board member of FP-7 “3Dlife” project. He has been a member of the Signal Processing Society of the IEEE, IET and Audio Engineering Society.

Research areas: 

Acoustics and electroacoustics, digital signal processing, machine learning and neural networks, audio and speech signal processing and recognition

Teaching courses: 

Electroacoustics (BSc.), Multimedia Signal Processing (BSc.), Digital Signal Processing (MSc.), and Digital Audio Processing (MSc.)

Scopus Author ID:
Web of Science Researcher ID:




phone: +421 41 513 2213